Our Mission
Our mission is to facilitate and support the preservation, rehabilitation, and development of appropriate affordable/attainable housing for the workforce essential to the long-term economic sustainability and resiliency of La Plata County and its communities.
Our Purpose
The RHA’s purpose is to cultivate and sustain communities through innovative partnerships and entrepreneurial housing programs.

What We Do
The function of the RHA is to affect the planning, financing, acquisition, construction, reconstruction or repair, maintenance, management, and operations of housing projects or programs in La Plata County, including the incorporated jurisdictions, to:
- Advise local governments on the practical applications of local housing policy and infrastructure needs
- Ensure compliance with the authority’s policies and procedures by the authority’s project participants
- Review development proposals that may require authority participation
- Facilitate partnerships to create housing
- Allocate funds for eligible housing projects
- Facilitate the establishment of a housing land trust
- Identify and facilitate the acquisition of vacant land that may be developed for affordable housing
- Identify financing opportunities
- Propose ballot initiatives and/or secure other sources of ongoing revenue for housing
- Acquire existing housing or other real estate to assure retention of or conversion to affordable housing stock
- Acquire land, obtain development approvals, and, issue requests for proposals for private sector and non-profit entities to build
- Develop new for-sale or rental affordable housing; and/or rehabilitate existing housing
RHA's Action Plan
The RHA board has developed an action plan that defines the goals of:
- Leadership – The RHA board established a goal of achieving political alignment from all four public entities and regularly reviewing any pertinent pending legislation. The board set goals to get elected officials out in front of the public and stakeholders for engagement through PSAs, news, and media.
- Staffing – The RHA board approved a scope of work, RFP & timeline for hiring a consultant to develop the structure of the RHA (priorities and staffing structure). The board identified the RHA’s ideal future as having a full administrative staff, led by an executive director.
- Funding – The RHA board agreed to track state and federal funding resources to ensure no funding opportunities are missed. The IGA between the four public entities establishes a percentage-based annual contribution for RHA operations. The RHA board set a goal of funding at least two projects per year.
- Development – The RHA board defined development goals as creating a funding/development checklist that is trackable, supporting two or more development projects per year, and focused outreach to developers.
In 2022, the Alliance, in partnership with the State, La Plata County, and municipalities, commissioned a Three-Year Workforce Housing Investment Plan with six strategies that are both interdependent and can run in parallel, including:
- Homeownership
- Land Development/Big Idea Projects
- Preservation
- Local Housing Trust Fund
- Education
- Advocacy