About Us
The Regional Housing Alliance of La Plata County is a Multi-Jurisdictional Regional Housing Authority (RHA) created in 2004 by an Intergovernmental Agreement (IGA) between La Plata County, City of Durango, Town of Ignacio, and Town of Bayfield. The RHA is governed by a 9-member Board of Directors with two representatives from each of the parties to the IGA and one at large member appointed by the Board.

Our Mission
To facilitate and support the preservation, rehabilitation, and development of appropriate affordable/attainable housing for the workforce essential to the long-term economic sustainability and resiliency of La Plata County and its communities.
Our Purpose
To cultivate and sustain communities through innovative partnerships and entrepreneurial housing programs. To achieve this, the RHA Board has developed an action plan that defines the goals of leadership, staffing, funding, and development.